RNA biology and applications

The Thematic Institute of molecular and structural biology of the French Alliance for life science (Aviesan) is programming a 2 days symposium dedicated to RNA biology and applications, that is a very active field with emerging topics.

Coding and non-coding RNAs are today central players in biology and medicine. RNA binding proteins act as modulators of RNAs functions, dysregulated RNA-protein interactions being linked to human pathologies, leading for example to misfolding or aggregations in membraneless organelles. In addition to human RNAs, bacterial RNAs and RNA viruses, are regarded as drug targets.

Epitranscriptomics, with modifications found in all RNAs and associated proteins have also come to the focus of intense research revealing their roles in many aspects of RNA biology and diseases. Finally, RNA medicines are actively developed for different therapeutic applications. RNA-based drugs are coming of age as a consequence of the improved knowledge of RNA biology combined with the development of sophisticated technologies.

This symposium will take place in Paris, on February 2-3 2023 end in Amphi Buffon, 15 Rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris. The meeting is built around different scientific sessions, namely RNA therapeutics, RNA/RNP biogenesis and structure, RNA modifications and new technological developments. The meeting is for structural, molecular and cellular biologists to have an overview of the latest results and concepts that are currently under development in the field.

Organizing committee

Edouard Bertrand - CNRS

Christiane Branlant - University of Lorraine

Carine Giovannangeli - AVIESAN

Chantal Pichon - University of Orléans, CNRS

Carine Tisne - IBPC, CNRS


Tim  Besseirt Translational Oncology (TRON)-Mainz
Pascale  Bouille  Flash Therapeutics
Karine Breckpot Free University of Brussels
Jeff  Chao  FMI
Ciaran  Condon  IBPC, CNRS
Frank De Rosa  Sanofi
Thierry  Fest  University of Rennes
Aurélie  Goyenvalle UVSQ
Zoher Gueroui  ENS
Mark   Helm University of Mainz
Piotr  Kovalski  University of Cork
Hervé  Le Hir IBENS
Ariel Lindner CRI
Ben  Luisi  University of Cambridge
Yuri  Motorine  University of Lorraine
Florian Mueller Pasteur Institute
Olivier Namy I2BC
Pascale Romby IBMC
Moran  Shalev-Benami  Weizmann Institute
Redmond  Smyth  Helmohltz
Tsutomu  Suzuki  University of Tokyo
Dominique  Weil IBPS, CNRS
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